Affiliate Program
Do you love the freedom you have with your SkyStream box? Do you love saving money each money and knowing that your cable bill isn't going up next month? Do you love being able to watch Youtube video on your TV and all of the other cool things you can do with your box? Guess what, Your friends, Family, Neighbors and Coworkers would to. They just don't know about us yet. What if you could show them a hidden gem and save them money each month while padding your own pockets? That is what are affiliate program is all about. Spreading the love and making money!
Our affiliate program is very simple. Sign Up Here, copy your affiliate link and send it to everyone you know. We even have pre written posts for most social media platforms to make it super simple and easy.
Whenever someone clicks on your link and purchases a SkyStream Box, you will earn 10% of the total purchase price. It's really that simple. If someone buys $250 with of boxes, we send you $25 via Paypal. Let's say 25 of your friends buy one box, we would send you $3,125.
So if you like your friends (We hope you do) and want them to save tons of money while putting real money in your pockets, Sign Up for our affiliate program today and get your affiliate link out there!
Want to start a side hustle? Want to work your own hours and make some serious money? Inquire about becoming a SkyStream distributor. We have recently lowered our minimum order quantity from 20 boxes to 10 to make it more accessible to more people during this pandemic.
The way it works is you purchase 10 boxes from us at a wholesale rate, we ship them to you and you can sell them however you want. Facebook Market Place, Craigslist, to friends and family, Local Market, etc. Really no wrong way to sell a product that will save people thousands of dollars and free them from greedy cable companies.
You can even set up the boxes for customers, show them how to use it and charge them an installation fee. The sky is the limit.
If you are interested in starting your own business or just want to make some side money inquire HERE